十大赌博app通过提供高质量的学术教育服务于一个多元化的社区, workforce development and adult education opportunities that are accessible and affordable. 为了这个目的, the College fully supports and seeks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (艾达), Title II and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
十大赌博app努力为所有学生创造一个温馨的环境,并将与教师真诚合作, 教职员及学生应为残障人士提供无障碍及合理的便利.
The Disability Services and 资源 Office is located in the Joe Ford Building, Suite 105 on the College's 东广校区. 我们鼓励学生, visitors and employees with disabilities to contact us to discuss accommodation needs. Pam Clough is the contact person and can be reached at pclough@briansfinefinishes.com or 256-549-8462.
About Disability Services and 资源
残疾服务和资源办公室(DSR)负责协调住宿需求, 残疾相关信息, 辅助技术服务, sign language interpreting and transcription services for academically related purposes. DSR does not offer disability evaluation and/or testing, 辅导, 个人支出, attendants or scholarships; however, we do provide resources and referral information.
A campus community in which students with disabilities are equal members without barriers.
加兹登州残疾服务和资源办公室将与教师进行互动和合作, 工作人员, and students to achieve an equitable 学习 environment for students with disabilities;
- 股本 -只有当所有学生都能充分参与教育机会时,才能实现访问, 活动, 和GSCC提供的服务.
- 协作 -当来自整个校园的个人聚集在一起以满足不同学习者社区的需求时,就会发生访问.
- 卓越 -我们努力建立最佳实践,发挥领导作用,解决入学障碍,推动关于高等教育中残疾人问题的全球对话.
A disability is defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 2008年《十大赌博app》和1973年《十大赌博app》第504条将其视为严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的精神或身体障碍. Learning is an example of a major life activity. If you have a mental or physical condition, 患这种病的病史, or a condition which may be considered by others as substantially limiting, you may have a legally defined disability.
What does substantially limiting mean?
According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, substantially limiting is defined as being unable to perform a major life activity, or significantly restricted as to the condition, 的方式, or duration under which a major life activity can be performed, in comparison to the average person or to most people.
According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a major life activity is defined as caring for oneself, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 和工作.
The 艾达 Amendment Acts of 2008 expanded this list to also include eating, 睡觉, 站, 提升, 阅读, 弯曲, 集中, 思考, 沟通, 和工作. In addition the 艾达AA also includes major bodily functions (e.g., 免疫系统的功能, 正常细胞生长, 消化, 肠, 膀胱, 神经系统, 大脑, 呼吸, 循环, 内分泌, 以及生殖功能”).
Appropriate academic adjustments create an equal access to education, as long as it doesn’t require a substantial change in an essential element of the curriculum. This is determined by the institution. 这些修改可能包括完成学位所需时间的调整, 取代学位要求, and adaptation of the 的方式 in which specific courses are conducted.
艾达.政府 — 信息rmation and technical assistance on the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Alabama Association on Higher Education and Disability — Alabama AHEAD is a state affiliate of the international organization, the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). 阿拉巴马AHEAD致力于残疾学生在高等教育中的平等机会和充分参与的原则, 并透过专业发展和支援,促进无障碍服务的卓越提供.
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services — Created by the Alabama Legislature in 1994, 阿拉巴马州康复服务部(ADRS)是一个州立机构,通过“连续的服务”为残疾人提供从出生到老年的服务.”
阿斯伯格综合症 — From “孤独症代言人”, information on 阿斯伯格综合症.
Association on Higher Education and Disability -高等教育促进会是一个专业会员制组织,会员包括参与制定政策和提供优质服务的个人,以满足参与高等教育各个领域的残疾人的需要. 此时此刻, 我们自夸不止2个,800 members throughout the United States, 加拿大, 英格兰, 澳大利亚, 爱尔兰, 北爱尔兰, 新西兰, 南非, 瑞典, 日本和希腊.
“孤独症代言人” — “孤独症代言人” is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing under站 and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
DO-IT Disabilities, 机会, 网络互连, and Technology - it残障人士, 机会, 网络互连, 中心致力于通过技术和教育为残障人士赋权. 它在课堂和工作场所都提高了对残疾人的认识和可及性,以最大限度地发挥残疾人的潜力,使我们的社区更加充满活力, 多样化的, 和包容的.
学习的盟友 -学习联盟是一个全国性的非营利组织,致力于帮助有阅读障碍的学生, 包括失明, 视觉障碍和阅读障碍. 学习的盟友 improves the way students learn at home and in the classroom.
Learning Disabilities Association of American — LDA Visualizes a World in Which: all individuals with 学习 disabilities are empowered to thrive and participate fully in society; the incidence of 学习 disabilities is reduced; and 学习 disabilities are universally understood and effectively addressed. LDA的使命是为所有受学习障碍影响的个人创造成功的机会,并减少后代的学习障碍发生率.
保护残疾学生 -民权办公室(OCR)的一项重要责任是消除对残疾学生的歧视. OCR在小学和中学教育领域收到许多投诉和询问,涉及1973年《十大赌博app》第504条, 修订的, 29 U.S.C. §794(第504节). 其中大多数涉及识别受第504条保护的学生以及为这些学生获得适当教育的方法.
College Advice for Deaf and Hard of Hearing 学生
求职指引 & 残疾工人
A Study on the Top Cities for Workers With Disabilty
Guide For People With Disabilities: Programs For Low-Cost Internet, 移动计划, 数字素养
十大赌博app致力于在其网站上以可访问的格式向每个人提供所有信息. 如果您发现任何阻碍访问的问题,请使用下面的联系信息与我们联系. Let us know the nature of your accessibility problem, and we can provide any inaccessible content in an alternative format.
十大赌博app does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. 我们的网站旨在与 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, 开发电子信息,使残疾人能够公平地获得与非残疾人相当的信息. 我们采用了万维网联盟(W3C)概述的在线内容可访问性标准,并将其记录为 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
Copies of all materials are available in large type upon request. Also, the content of this website will be read to any person making the request.
Other websites in the college web space, or those of individuals and specific groups that might be public or private, 不包括在我们的法律授权,虽然我们鼓励所有员工和团体,使所有的网页内容可访问.
If you have difficulty accessing any part of the website while using adaptive technology, 提供可访问性建议, or need an alternative format for any content, 请联系艾达协调员, 帕姆·克拉夫 pclough@briansfinefinishes.com or 256-549-8462.
Accessibility information for Blackboard may be found at www.黑板上.com/黑板上-accessibility-commitment.
Individuals (visitors, employees, students) with mobility impairments should contact the 艾达协调员 在其校园内或校园附近获取有关某些建筑物和项目的物理可达性限制的信息,并根据需要获得住宿. 鼓励有行动障碍的学生在完成学业之前与艾达协调员联系.
Ayers校园: Ms. Cindy Haynes, 艾达联系人| chaynes@briansfinefinishes.com, 256-835-5411
切罗基校园: Ms. Luanne Hayes, 艾达联系人| lhayes@briansfinefinishes.com, 256-927-1805
加兹登校园: Ms. 帕梅拉·克拉夫,艾达协调员 pclough@briansfinefinishes.com, 256-549-8462
- 教室可访问性
- 测试设施
- 作业的备选格式
- 记录员/笔记员
- Sign language interpreters / CART captionists
- 读者/文员
- 自适应技术
- E-texts (electronic copies of textbooks, restrictions apply)
- 计算器(有限制)
- TextAloud文本转语音软件
- Large print copies of syllabi, tests and handouts
- FM systems (for us by 听力-impaired students)
- 放大听诊器
- Closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs, stationary)
- 扫描仪
- 盲文压花机
- 可调节高度的桌子
- 辅助电脑软件
- Window-Eyes, ZoomText, Jaws, Scientific Notebook
- 服务性动物(允许)